In our museum educaton occupation we are dealing with the properties of the colors.What makes a warm color warm and a cold color cold?How can we influence these properties?How do we perceive the colors and how do they influence us?We are playing and experimentalising with science and art in our color vision occupation.
Age: We are offering this occupation for children from 4 to 10 and from 11 to 16 years old, but we can do it for any age group and with any curriculum if neccessary.
The program lasts all year.We are waiting for school groups to come int he weekdays(Tuesday-Friday).
For your participation you need to sign up first.Please make contact with us on:
You can download the description of the occupation from HERE.
During the occupation we are taking photos. You are consenting to be on these photos with your participation.The gallery is using these recordings in it’s press releases.